general information

Monday, June 30 to
Friday, July 25 -
Full day
9am - 4pm
Monday, July 28 to
Friday, August 15 -
Full day
9am - 4pm

The Campers’ Day
Optional Early Morning commences at 8:00 a.m.
8:50– 9:00 a.m. Arrival at Iona University
9:00 Morning Workshop – Enrichment Option 1
10:30 Morning Workshop – Enrichment Option 2
12:00 -1:00 Lunch and Recess (Kosher Lunch is also available)
1:00 Afternoon Challenge – Period 1
2:00 Afternoon Challenge – Period 2
2:50 Snack
3:00 Afternoon Challenge – Period 3
4:00 Dismissal
Optional Extended Day is from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Challenge Camp offers a door to door transportation option from Manhattan, Riverdale, and Southern Westchester. For Northern Westchester, we use centralized stops. Please click on your location for Summer 2025 transportation pricing.
If you require bus transportation, here is the Transportation Signup form .
Please complete the form and return to or contact the camp office (914) 779-6024, if you have any questions or need additional information.
Policies and Procedures offers online registration and an electronic health record system for camps. Once you sign up for a account, you will be able to register your camper.
You will receive a confirmation email, and the camp office will process your registration and send you an invoice for your selection. You will then receive additional information about how to complete your camper’s health profile and any camp forms. All payments will be made directly to Challenge Camp prior to the start of camp.
Students select their workshops based on their current grade level as of September 2024. Early registration is recommended to ensure student’s first choice of workshops. The Director reserves the right to cancel any workshop if the enrollment is insufficient. In the event of cancellation, the child will be permitted to transfer to another course. All course descriptions and instructors are subject to change without notification.
No material fees will be returned for class changes after June 1.
Complimentary camp T-shirts will be distributed on Picture Day each session.
All Challenge campers must submit a complete health history, medical release form during registration. Challenge has a full time nurse on staff to deal with emergencies and administer any medications your child may require.
Please click this link to access the CampDoc system and update your campers profile.
Lunch Menu
Challenge Camp uses the award winning Chartwell Caterers as our food service provider. A hot lunch and afternoon snack is included with your camper’s registration. A Kosher lunch catered by Prime Time in New Rochelle will be available for families requiring the option for their camper.
Here are the links for the Summer 2024 menus to provide you with a relative sample of the lunch options. We will post the Summer 2025 menus when they are finalized:
2024 – Chartwell’s Lunch Menu
2024 – Kosher Lunch Menu